Dr Judy Ho, Nigeria
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. (Romans 12:12)
I left Hong Kong for Nigeria in 2019 amid social upheavals believing that being faithful to God’s call was my best course of action in challenging times. After full-time language study, COVID-19 forced me to stay home for months instead of beginning my intended ministry. Due to changes in family circumstances, I left for Hong Kong in August 2020 without any idea when and whether I would return to the field.
I was dismayed that although I could quickly settle some of my affairs, others would require much longer time. Some arrangements were not even my initial preference. Instead of accomplishing everything, I had to trust that if I stepped out in faith, God would look after my loved ones and assets left behind. Therefore, I returned to Nigeria in June 2021.
The rest of the year was spent in resuming my initial ministerial plan after full-time language study. Meanwhile, I attended an online prayer course which rejuvenated my prayer life. I became much closer to God and more sensitive to His guidance. Then I received news of my elder sister’s cancer diagnosis, necessitating months of aggressive treatment.
“My intimate fellowship with our Lord sustained me and enabled me to support my sister emotionally and spiritually throughout her treatment.”
Since re-entry, though life till today has been challenging at many levels I have had regular close encounters with my Lord. He has opened my eyes and guided me to ministries which I would never have anticipated. I understand more my current role in the mission field. I enjoy the ministerial opportunities and experience gained. I am more open and flexible in following God’s guidance instead of leaning on my own understanding. My life as a missionary has been and will continue to be a fascinating journey.
By stepping out in obedience and by fixing my eyes upon Him, God has showered me with blessings way beyond my imagination. He has graciously let me know Him more intimately. He enables me to understand and accept myself and my limitations more. Certainly, His grace is sufficient for me, for His power is perfected in my weaknesses. I strife to become more like our Master Jesus. I pray that I can glorify God throughout my missionary life.