who we are
About SIM
SIM is an international mission organization with more than 2,000 active missionaries serving in over 70 countries. SIM members serve God among many diverse people groups in Asia, Africa, Middle East and South America.
SIM workers are international by definition, representing more than 70 nationalities — including nations that in the past only received missionaries. Today these ‘non-traditional’ sending countries are contributing greatly to the cause of world mission, including missionaries from Asia. SIM workers serve in all kinds of career fields and we are looking for people of any ethnicity and all skill sets to take the gospel from everywhere to anywhere.
SIM East Asia is a part of the SIM family and has more than 180 active missionaries from eight countries serving in over 20 countries worldwide. The SIM East Asia office is based in Singapore and comprises councils in Singapore, West Malaysia, East Malaysia and Brunei, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan and North East India.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see a witness to Christ’s love where He is least known, disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities, and Christ-centred churches among all peoples. By faith we see …
in the world
- A vibrant testimony to the gospel through character, word and action among communities where currently Jesus is least known.
- Followers of Jesus living out the gospel in unity and in the power of the Holy Spirit, making disciples who trust Him, obey him, and play a full part in church life.
- Churches serving their communities and reaching out with the gospel locally and globally.
in SIM
A community growing in faith, in obedience to Jesus, and in ministry competence.
Workers crossing barriers with the gospel, being and making disciples of Jesus, expressing His love and compassion.
Multi-ethnic and multi-skilled teams serving together in love and harmony.
Courageous leaders investing in the development of others for life transforming ministries.
Effective partnerships with Christ-centered churches and organizations facilitating the spread of the Gospel.
In eternity
The redeemed from all tribes, languages, peoples and nations worshiping the Living God.
Our Purpose
Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, we believe that He has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known. Therefore, compelled by God’s great love and empowered by the Holy Spirit…
We cross barriers to proclaim the crucified and risen Christ, expressing His love and compassion among those who live and die without Him
We make disciples who will trust and obey Jesus, and become part of Christ-centered churches
We work together with churches to fulfil God’s mission across cultures locally and globally
We facilitate the participation in cross-cultural ministry of those whom God is calling
We are:
Dependent on God – We are people of prayer. We trust in our faithful God and affirm the truth of the Bible.
Diverse – We are one in Christ. We embrace, and are strengthened by, the international, interdenominational and multi-ethnic diversity of His church.
Disciples of Jesus who make disciples – We cross barriers to fulfil God’s global, urgent and unfinished mission.
Church-centred – We are part of Christ’s church and together we plant, nurture and equip churches.
Compassionate – We are people of love. We humbly offer compassionate, holistic service and eternal hope, through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Community – We live a life of integrity in obedience to God and in relationship with each other as we listen, learn, grow, and innovate together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We are a ‘Gospel community’ that is:
Committed to Biblical Truth
We are committed to biblical truth and joyfully affirm historic, evangelical Christianity. With courage, we declare to the nations the good news of new life in Jesus Christ.
We are committed to the urgent and unfinished task of making disciples of Jesus Christ in all nations. In doing this we desire to work in loving, trusting, interdependent relationships with churches and other partners who share our vision.
A Christlike Community
We desire to be a transforming community dedicated to becoming like Christ in love, servanthood, holiness, and obedience to the Father. We believe that following Christ’s example means sacrifice, sometimes hardship, and perhaps even death.
Dependent on God
‘By Prayer’ and in faith we depend on God for the provision of all our needs. We will demonstrate diligence, integrity, sharing, and accountability in cultivating and using the resources God provides.
We are committed to being a Mission that begins, nurtures, and equips churches to be the expression of Christ in their communities and to reach out with cross-cultural missionary vision and action.
A Learning, Growing Community
We believe in the worth and giftedness of each person in SIM and of those we seek to serve. We practise the giving and receiving of discipleship, life–long learning, consultative leadership, mutual development, and training as enduring disciplines.
Responsive to Our Times
We will respond with creativity and courage to evolving needs and opportunities under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To be effective and relevant, our ministries, priorities, and structures are subject to on–going evaluation and adaptation.
A People of Prayer
Prayer is foundational in our life and ministry. ‘By Prayer’ we praise God, seek his direction, request resources, and call upon the Holy Spirit to empower our ministries.
Concerned About Human Needs
We humbly acknowledge that the ultimate human need is to know God. We also believe that he has called us to compassionate, holistic service in this broken world by alleviating suffering, fostering development, and effecting change in society.
Strengthened Through Diversity
We are intentionally interdenominational, international and multiethnic because we believe this expresses the unity of the body of Christ in the world. We believe we will be more effective in ministry as we incorporate the richness of cultural diversity in SIM and celebrate our oneness in Christ.
We are a ‘Gospel community’ that is: