Sammy & Rita, Asia

I love this verse, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9) as it really makes me glad to know that the Lord can be glorified even through a simple man like me. There were many challenges particularly with speaking in the local language in the field.

Serious in language learning

When I first arrived in the field, I started my two-year full time language course. But despite my best efforts I could not speak the language well even after 5 years. Though I managed to pray after 3 years and share a Gospel message after 4 years in the local language I still lacked the local accent. One day one of the church leaders told me that I should soon speak the local language well. Yes, I wanted to but I really could not. Of course, I felt very ashamed but did not give up.

Serious in village ministry

Later I began to manage a youth vocational centre. The youth of the local communities came to study technical skills in our centre. I taught them Bible every  day  and  developed  a  deep  relationship with  them.  I  rejoiced  when  I  realized  that  they were able to understand well when I spoke and soon became my disciples. Whenever I visited the  villages  with  my  students  and  shared  the Gospel in the official language widely spoken, they translated my message into their tribal language. They liked to serve the Lord and they soon became my translators and assistants in the ministry. They were confident to stand in front of people and serve along with me. The Holy Spirit truly led them to grow spiritually too.

Serious in training youths

The local church leaders were very happy with my idea of encouraging the youth and involving them in ministry. They allowed more of their young believers to join our leadership training programmes. The local pastors invited my students to go with them to serve in the villages and family churches too. It was a breakthrough for the local church to start focusing on training their youth.Jesus’ grace, strength and power are my secrets to move forward seriously in the ministry. Though speaking the local language was initially my biggest challenge in the ministry, I praise and thank God for using me to bless my students, the new disciples, and the churches too.