welcome to SIM -Serving in Mission

We are here to create a positive impact in East Asia.

Together we can make a difference


Education for Youth & Adults

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Financial Support for the poor

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About Us

Our Mission& Vision

Our vision is to see a witness to Christ’s love where He is least known, disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities, and Christ-centred churches among all peoples.

Medical Support

We seek individuals passionate about serving and using their medical skills to restore, educate, and empower.

Cross Culture Mission

Cross-cultural ministry enables the creation of sustainable improvements and transformation to the social conditions, quality of life and dignity of people as created in the image of God. .

Missional Business

There is a growing demand around the world for professional and business skills enables the creation of sustainable improvements and transformation to the social conditions, quality of life and dignity of people as created in the image of God.

Our Core value

What are

SIM EAST ASIA core value 


Dependent on God




Disciples of Jesus who make disciples







Support SIM EA

We has 180+ active missionaries from eight countries serving in over 20 countries worldwide. 

SIM workers are international by definition, representing more than 70 nationalities — including nations that in the past only received missionaries. Today these ‘non-traditional’ sending countries are contributing greatly to the cause of world mission, including missionaries from Asia. SIM workers serve in all kinds of career fields and we are looking for people of any ethnicity and all skill sets to take the gospel from everywhere to anywhere. 


SIM’s motto is “By Prayer”. With your prayer support, our ministries will grow from strength to strength.


God’s Work, Done God’s Way, Will Never Lack God’s Supply, through supporters like yourself.


You do not need to be a missionary to serve in SIM. God has given us different gifts that can be used to support the missionaries, the ministries, and the admin work that needs to be carried out to fulfil God’s mission through SIM.



Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news.  God’s Work, Done God’s Way, Will Never Lack God’s Supply, through supporters like yourself.

Serve with Us

You do not need to be a missionary to serve in SIM. God has given us different gifts that can be used to support the missionaries, the ministries, and the admin work that needs to be carried out to fulfil God’s mission through SIM.

Join Mission Trips. Pray for our missionary. Gifts. Get Started Today.